If your business works to supply contracts or execute purchase orders, you may face a cashflow challenge.
Are you facing delays in the treatment of your invoices thus affecting your company cash needs? Not having the cash reserves needed to handle a large contract?
It can put a chokehold on your business growth. You may have the skills and capacity to take on a profitable large contract but will have to walk away because you don’t have the necessary finances required to start work.
Obviously, you can’t turn down lucrative contracts from clients you want for the long term. PECCU puts cash at your disposal for continuation of work in order to enable you deliver in due time to avoid penalties. PECCU contract Financing allows you to take on large orders, by ensuring you have the money you need. It can even help protect your business against unexpected late payments or project delays.
It also helps ensure that you can take on all the contracts you can handle, and grow your business fast. We can equally provide you with pre-financing of your purchase orders and/or contracts.
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PECCU: Financial Co-operative Credit Union owned and managed by its members. Founded by the employees of then PECTEN Cameroon company and now called ADDAX Petroleum Cameroon. Reg. Decision N°00395/MINIFI, and the Banking Commission for Central African States (COBAC) under decision N°D-2001/05 - Code N°19419. PECCU is affliliated to the Cameroon Co-operative Credit Union Leaque (CamCCUL).